Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 days till Christmas...say what?!!?

It's hard to believe that in a matter of days Christmas is going to be here. Being older, I feel that sadly each year the magic is lost. I remember my sister telling me that once you get older the magic seems to disappear until you have children of your own. I'm pretty excited to say that this year my sister and brother-in-law get to experience their first Christmas with the new addition to their family. Little Roxie warms my heart and gets me excited for the Christmas's to come. I'm in that awkward growing up faze where I'm too old to be a child but not old enough to be an adult. All of this really hit me this holiday upon the cliché question that everyone asks around this time of the year.."what do you want for Christmas" When the first thought in my head was wind shield wipers for my car, I realized that I have officially grown out of the "toys" aspect of Christmas. I do want to stop and realize that this holiday I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful sister and older brother and younger brother who make me laugh, a mother I can share my secrets with, friends who uplift me and bring me joy and a father who still finds the time to compliment me when we go out. We are lucky to be spending our Christmas with Daddy, being that he suffered from a stroke on Thanksgiving. I don't know where I would be without any of my family and friends and a wonderful God who loves me unconditionally. This year I see that I may be growing up and stepping out of the "magic" of Christmas, but now I see the real meaning of Christmas. And that in itself is far more valuable than any present I could ever want or dream for.

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