Friday, December 23, 2011

Can you feel the stress in the air??

So it's just our luck that our house blows a fuse a couple of days ago and along with that burns out the top half of our Christmas tree lights along with our star. The thought of leaving my house right now to go attempt to find a star and lights is not a happy thought. There is so much going on in the Waddell house hold as we try to get ready for Christmas dinner tonight. Of course my day has not started out amazing. I wake up to find that I forgot to take out the trash to the curb, so the garbage people drive right on by our house. I vote that they stop coming at 8 am and start at 10 again. But I guess that's just me. I love making excuses! Even though our morning has not started out smoothly, doesn't mean that the rest of our day has to be that way. I say carpe diem!!

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