Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Morning Devotion


     I was reading my morning devotional and had an amazing eye opener. I have always felt as if I go through periods where I am not growing even though I am reading my bible and praying harder than ever. Normally I would take in consideration that I can't see any fruit being grown and I start to lose hope and try to do things in my own strength. But after reading my devotional it was as if God was gently whispering in my ear and to my soul to not give up.

       Sometimes a person goes through a "stagnant" period in their walk with the Lord. A stagnant period is a season when a person is not seeing any fruit even though they are diligently seeking the Lord. During this time God is preparing your branches to hold the strong fruit that is going to be produced at the right time. He is strengthening the branches, pruning the branches and making sure they can stand up to any kind of storm. So keep heart during the stagnant periods of your walk with God and honor God were you are at the moment with the little things in life. Because he is always working behind the scenes.

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